WP4 - Field Showcase and Stakeholders Consultation about Low Cost Speed Management Methods (BRRC)
The overall output of the project is to provide practical and readily understandable recommendations for effective measures to manage speed through road works zones, in terms of design, enforcement and driver education. To reach this objective WP4 will complement the literature review carried out within WP2 about speed management methods dedicated to road work zones and the knowledge gathered during WP3 about practices, on-going projects in the field, and effectiveness of speed management methods. Together with and following results from work packages 2 and 3, WP4 will therefore provide a valuable practical input to the recommendations being developed in WP5 about effective measures to manage speed through road works zones. It will definitively allow the recommendations being practical and understandable.
WP4 will directly help WP5 in three separate ways:
Creating a strategy and priority list for the different parameters and issues necessary for developing speed management plans for work zones
By showcasing some low cost speed management measures identified during WP2&WP3 as good practices in the driver information/warning/"preventive" enforcement field. This action will be organised on-site and in real traffic and road work situation in the Czech Republic. It will give an added value to the recommendations; making them definitely practical and allowing to fill in some knowledge gaps in this field;
By organising a consultation of the stakeholders (representatives from the NRAs, enforcement actors, experts from the other financed projects) to assess the first stage of recommendations delivered during the first steps of WP5.
The project partners will join their expertise and resources to build the showcase scenario, analyse the results and organise the stakeholder’s consultation. The work package will deliver a detailed showcase report, summarising any new findings and also including a practical guide for on-site implementation of the selected measures, and a stakeholder’s consultation report.